Herons & Cranes of Maine

Danielle D’Auria
Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife

Wednesday, December 12, 2012, 7:00 p.m.
Bridge Academy, Dresden

Join Friends of Merrymeeting Bay (FOMB) on Wednesday, December 12th at 7pm for the 3rd presentation of their 16th annual Winter Speaker Series. This program, “Herons & Cranes of Maine”, features Danielle D’Auria, wildlife biologist with Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife.

Great blue herons and sandhill cranes are two of Maine’s largest birds.  The great blue heron has been experiencing localized declines within Maine while the sandhill crane has been increasing its numbers over the past decade.  What sets these two species apart?  D'Auria's talk will cover both the similarities and differences of these two long-legged, long-necked birds, including information about their natural history, their status in Maine, and current monitoring and conservation efforts .

Danielle D'Auria is a wildlife biologist working in the Bird Group of MDIF&W. Her education started with a Biology degree from SUNY at Geneseo, followed by a Masters in Wildlife Science from New Mexico State University. Her past work focused on threatened and endangered bird species. As an assistant refuge manager for USFWS in Olympia, WA, she focused on habitat restoration, conservation planning, invasive plant management, and a variety of wildlife and habitat monitoring. D’Auria now focuses on statewide populations of colonial wading birds, secretive marsh birds, black terns, and loons.  In 2009, she started the Heron Observation Network, which is a group of over 100 volunteers who help monitor wading bird colonies across the state.

The FOMB Winter Speaker Series takes place monthly from October-May on the second Wednesday. The series, which is free and open to the public, is sponsored by Friends of Merrymeeting Bay with support and valuable door prizes from Patagonia Outlet in Freeport. The next FOMB presentation on January 9th at the Cram Alumni House, Bowdoin College (83 Federal St., Brunswick) is entitled Lighthouses of the Kennebec featuring lighthouse historian Duane Prugh. The presentation is be preceded by FOMB’s Annual Meeting and Potluck Supper beginning at 6pm and also open to the public.

To receive more information on FOMB’s programs call Ed Friedman, Chair, Friends of Merrymeeting Bay, at 666-3372 or edfomb@comcast.net. Full speaker schedule and speaker biographies are available on the web at www.friendsofmerrymeetingbay.org.


Watercolors by
Sarah Stapler
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